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Mo. paramedic paralyzed in rig crash requests challenge coins

Joachim Plattin Ambulance District officials say Paramedic Erik Bedwell has a “wonderful attitude” and put out a request for coin donations


By Laura French

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Mo. — EMS officials say a Missouri paramedic who was paralyzed in an ambulance crash last month is having all his “needs” met but only has one “want": challenge coins.

Joachim Plattin Ambulance District (JPAD) officials said Paramedic Erik Bedwell, 27, has had a “wonderful attitude” since the collision that caused his spinal cord to be severed, paralyzing him from the waist down.

“He is an amazing guy. His optimism and motivation are so inspiring. I guess sometimes tragic events highlight the best attributes we have and this is definitely the situation with Erik,” read a statement on the JPAD’s Facebook page.

Officials said Bedwell said he would like to collect challenge coins, and when asked where he would like the coins from, his “eyes lit up when he said ‘EVERYWHERE.’”

JPAD launched “Erik’s Challenge,” asking for donations of challenge coins from as many first responder agencies as they can reach. Currently, Bedwell has two coins, one from JPAD and one from BackStoppers.[0]=AZVZL8plFcH0olu6sevCJUC8-PCBO3xyUO0YGfrI1cqeW71F01-riN4ALNUyN9narEAfxAWuxQn-ZLwK2-fDqj9IilxHJP3OZanPIJfiPkDqhFHVZquKIF6O-Ilau9ni1NPLFI9AC4SYyrvm8O3V6I-gTYide2LUBND_pI4ISxTwWQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R