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Mental health fund created for responders impacted by Las Vegas shooting

The Code Green Campaign created a fund to help responders and their families who need help paying for mental health care

By EMS1 Staff

SPOKANE, Wash. — A nonprofit has created a fund to help responders who were impacted by the Las Vegas shooting get help for mental health issues.

The Code Green Campaign has created the Las Vegas First Responder Mental Health Fund to help pay for mental health care for first responders and their families in the wake of the mass shooting.

“Often, the first responders who are present at mass casualty incidents are not eligible for assistance through funds set up for the victims. We want to make sure that there is a fund available specifically for first responders who need assistance paying for care after this tragic incident,” Board President Ann Marie Farina said.

Donations to the fund can be made on Facebook fundraiser page, via PayPal or by mailing a check to PO Box 15365 Spokane, WA 99215.