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Glassdoor names Royal Ambulance a top 50 U.S. workplace

Royal Ambulance was named by Glassdoor as one of the top 50 best small and medium companies to work for in the United States based on employee feedback

royal ambulance glassdoor best places to work

Photo/Royal Ambulance

By Laura French

LEANDRO, Calif. — A California ambulance company was named one of the best places to work in 2021 based on employee feedback.

Royal Ambulance was ranked among the top 50 best small and medium companies to work for in the United States by Glassdoor, which publishes Employees’ Choice Awards winners each year based on the input of employees who anonymously complete a company review about their job, work environment and employer over the past year, according to a Glassdoor news release. Royal Ambulance ranked 50th nationwide in the small and medium businesses category, which includes companies with fewer than 1,000 employees.

“We are honored and thrilled as this award is not something you can apply for, it’s strictly based on the quantity and quality of our positive reviews— which is a reflection of our people, our culture and our commitment to fostering a workplace of excellence,” Royal Ambulance said in a statement on Facebook. “Thank you to all of our Royal team members and alumni who took the time to share their experience at Royal. We won because of all of you!!!!!”

The 2021 Employees’ Choice Award recipients were determined based on employee reviews submitted between Oct. 22, 2019 and Oct. 19, 2020, which include ratings of eight workplace attributes: overall company rating, career opportunities, compensation and benefits, culture and values, senior management, work-life balance, likelihood to recommend to a friend and six-month business outlook.

“COVID-19 is in the driver’s seat and every employer has been impacted. This year’s winning employers have proven, according to employees, that even during extraordinary times, they’ll rise to the challenge to support their people,” Glassdoor CEO Christian Sutherland-Wong said in a statement. “A mission-driven culture, transparent leadership and career opportunities are always hallmarks of Best Places to Work winners. This year, we also see exceptional employers who have prioritized the health, safety and well-being of their employees.”[0]=AZXBgh30KDjC_8KGNAJ2WC9aP4EDsoGfN66n0l-wEZ2ecIK9OeXHCml42SnUhpf2MAj1UFSBAf8s8QYM45_XFA9tUgINQrrVV73GUeA4JsnUl_Og-cRIU0ZEIkvoN_Un89u_nSz2OJzaKIbYACP5_FQx&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Read next: How Royal Ambulance encourages employee growth and maintain high standards