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Mass. EMS providers, patient injured in collision with pickup truck

The pickup truck struck the passenger’s side of the ambulance, causing significant damage


Investigators were at the scene of a crash involving an ambulance and pickup truck on Tuesday afternoon.

Photo/Charlton Police Department Facebook

Brian Lee
Telegram & Gazette, Worcester, Mass.

CHARLTON, Mass. — A pickup truck apparently crossed the yellow line that divides Route 169 Tuesday, resulting in a collision with a Webster ambulance, police said Wednesday.

The driver of the truck, which was headed south, wasn’t injured despite an airbag deployment and the vehicle appearing to be totaled, police said.

The attendants of the Webster Emergency Medical Services ambulance and their patient were taken to a local hospital by Charlton and Southbridge ambulances with injuries that were not considered life-threatening, police said.

The ambulance’s passenger side sustained significant damage.

The accident, which occurred just after 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, remains under investigation by Charlton police.


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