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Pa. family to get $5.3M over baby’s injuries sustained in ambulance accident

The York Dispatch (Pennsylvania)
Copyright 2007 York Newspapers, Inc.
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FRANKLIN, Pa. — A medical equipment company and other defendants have agreed to pay $5.3 million to the family of a baby who suffered severe head injuries when a vehicle slammed into an ambulance carrying the child in 2003.

International Biomedical Inc. will pay more than $4.6 million to settle the family’s allegations that a faulty aluminum restraint bar made by the company led to injuries that left the child, now 4 years old, deaf and unable to walk or speak.

The family alleged that the bar, which held the baby’s incubator in place, snapped and hurled the baby onto the ambulance floor.

The other defendants were Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Guardian Angel Ambulance Services of Allegheny County and the estate of John E. Bridge, who was driving the vehicle that collided with the ambulance in Venango County.

After paying legal costs and fees and reimbursements for the girl’s past medical costs, the family will receive $2.9 million, according to court records. Under the terms of the settlement, the defendants do not admit any wrongdoing.

Venango County Judge Oliver J. Lobaugh is reviewing the settlement for approval.

It is believed to be the largest reached in Venango County Common Pleas Court.