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Man attacks EMT in patient compartment, goes after driver

Was being transported between facilities, bit driver’s hand while attempting to take control of moving vehicle; 6 officers required to restrain him after escape

By Whitney Hise

CLARKSTON, Wash. — A Clarkston Fire Department Ambulance driver is nursing a wound after a man being transported attacked him and then escaped.

“The ambulance crew eventually stopped and let the patient out,” said Clarkston Fire Department Chief Steve Cooper.

According to Cooper, 41-year-old Jason Hundrup, of Asotin, was being relocated from Asotin County to Eastern State Hospital early Sunday morning when he began threatening EMS personnel. The crew was able to calm Hundrup down after his his first attempt to squeeze through the nearly 18-inch doorway to the drivers compartment from the patient care area.

Full Story: Man being transported attacks Clarkston ambulance crew