By EMS1 Staff
BOISE, Idaho — An Ada county paramedic will visit 30 Idaho towns in a walking tour aimed at raising awareness to families of the importance of infant sleep safety
Paramedic Bart Buckendorf’s walking tour will begin on Sept. 11 and run through Oct. 26, according to a press release. He will trek across the state on foot to visit more than 30 towns to teach families the importance of the “ABCs of Safe Sleep.”
Buckendorf became passionate about teaching the rules of ABCs of Safe Sleep because of his years of experience in responding to over a dozen 911 calls of babies who died in their sleep.
“The mothers’ wails … it’s not even a cry,” Buckendorf said. “That’s what always stays with me.”
The idea to start this walking tour came out of the blue, Buckendorf said.
“I’m an avid walker and I was trying to think of a way to get the message out better to help protect more infants from SIDS and SUIDS (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death),” Buckendorf said. “It just made sense to bring my two passions together.”
He believes that by raising awareness, more infants’ lives will be saved.
“Placing a baby alone, on their back, in a crib can help ensure they don’t overheat, suffocate or become trapped under bedding,” Buckendorf said.
Since 2016, Buckendorf has taught the ABCs of Safe Sleep locally with SafeStart Infant and Child Health & Safety, Idaho Maternal & Child Health and Idaho Department of Health & Welfare. He also worked with Ada County Paramedics’ leadership to add the messaging to the back of each of the Ada County Paramedics’ ambulances.