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EMT pleads no contest to groping female co-worker

Jerry Johnson asked a 25-year-old female EMT to take her shirt off; when she refused, he lifted her shirt and groped her chest

By EMS1 Staff

MILLSBORO, Del. — An EMT accused of groping a female EMT pleaded no contest. reported that Jerry Johnson pleaded to third degree unlawful sexual contact; a sexual harassment charge was dropped and he received one year of probation before judgment.

Johnson and a 25-year-old female EMT were alone at the Mid-Sussex Rescue Squad in May when Johnson asked the woman to take her shirt off, according to the report.

The female EMT refused, left the room, but Johnson followed her. He then lifted her shirt and groped her chest. The woman reportedly pushed Johnson away and left.

According to police, the female EMT complained to the president of the rescue squad but never received a response; she followed up with the Delaware State Police.

Johnson turned himself in the next day and was charged with sexual harassment and third degree unlawful sexual contact.