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FireRescue1, Fire Chief Announce Premier Media Partnership with International Association of Fire Chiefs

Praetorian Digital fire service publications to partner with IAFC on creation of original content and joint marketing initiatives

San Francisco, and, leading online resources for the firefighting community, have announced a strategic content and marketing partnership with the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) to develop and promote leadership-focused content aimed at improving understanding of critical topics within today’s fire service.

As a premier media partner, FireRescue1 and Fire Chief will work closely with the IAFC to create and distribute original content by leveraging leading IAFC events such as Fire-Rescue International, Fire-Rescue Med, Wildland Urban Interface and the Volunteer and Combination Officers (VCOS) Symposium. The content will be featured prominently across both FireRescue1 and Fire Chief.

In addition to content development, the IAFC, FireRescue1 and Fire Chief will partner for mutual promotion of select initiatives and events, including Fire-Rescue International, the IAFC Fire Chief of the Year Award and signature editorial supplements from FireRescue1 and Fire Chief.

Key components of the partnership include:

  • Contribution of original, exclusive expert content from leaders across all IAFC sections - including a quarterly President’s Letter addressing critical fire service trends
  • Focus on emerging fire service leaders, with jointly-developed content aimed at supporting professional development
  • Distribution of leadership-level FireRescue1 and Fire Chief publications to IAFC members as an exclusive benefit
  • Special-access, exclusive article and video content from IAFC events
  • Co-marketing of respective organizations to grow membership and support Fire-Rescue International and other IAFC conferences
  • Original content and promotion of the IAFC’s Fire Chief of the Year Award, recognizing career and volunteer chiefs who have positively impacted the profession

The IAFC represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide, a powerful network of more than 11,000 fire chiefs, chief officers, and aspiring fire and emergency service leaders. Praetorian Digital, parent company of FireRescue1 and Fire Chief, is recognized as the leading digital publisher in the field of fire and emergency medical response, counting more than 1.3 million first responders as members.

“IAFC has long set the standard for the education of fire chiefs, company officers and up-and-coming fire service leaders,” said Alex Ford, CEO of Praetorian Digital and FireRescue1. “With our digital media expertise and unparalleled online reach into the fire service across FireRescue1 and Fire Chief, the partnership is ideally suited to amplify the distribution of quality educational content and expand awareness of IAFC resources and initiatives while reinforcing the growing reach of our brands in the fire service.”, the Fire Chief magazine brand and select assets were acquired by FireRescue1 in early 2014 to expand the site’s focus on fire service management, leadership and other topics of interest to chiefs and aspiring chiefs.

“The IAFC is delighted to enter into this media partnership with Praetorian Digital,” said Mark Light, IAFC Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director. “We are especially pleased to reconnect with the Fire Chief brand. When the previous ownership stopped publishing Fire Chief magazine, it was a significant loss for fire service leaders in terms of accessing content specifically intended for chiefs and chief officers.”

For more information about IAFC and FireRescue1, visit and

About Praetorian Digital

Founded in 1999, Praetorian Digital is the leading digital media company in the public safety and local government market. Our properties are visited by more than 5 million public safety and local government officials every month and count over 1.3 million first responders and government personnel as members. Praetorian owns and operates,,,,, and as well as more than 15 topical public safety websites providing resources ranging from accredited online training to grant funding assistance. We are deeply committed to providing cutting-edge information and resources that help first responders, government officials and military personnel better protect themselves and serve their communities.


With more than 300,000 registered members and 750,000 monthly unique visitors, serves the firefighting community by providing firefighters with the most complete range of information and resources available. Since 2005, FireRescue1 has served as a trusted and reliable online environment for the exchange of information between firefighters and departments from across the United States and around the world. For information on advertising with FireRescue1, visit our advertising section online at

About the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)

The IAFC represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide. IAFC members are the world’s leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety legislation. Since 1873, the IAFC has provided a forum for its members to exchange ideas, develop professionally and uncover the latest products and services available to first responders. Learn more