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Photo: Driver dodged decapitation by millimeters

The driver ducked before his head hit the truck he slammed into

LOS ANGELES — An L.A. driver survived a high speed crash and avoided decapitation just by ducking.

The driver reached 190 mph in his Corvette and dodged losing his head by lowering it just as he crashed into a truck, according to the Daily Mail.

Photo Rick McClure/LAFD Flickr

The Corvette got lodged under the truck, six feet of it going underneath the vehicle, the driver’s head millimeters from making impact to the truck.

Retired LA firefighter Rick McClure, 60, now a photographer, was one of the first to arrive at the scene to help the driver.

‘He was very lucky to say the least. In the past drivers have been decapitated after crashing underneath trucks so a law was introduced so they had barriers to prevent this,” McClure said.

Photo Rick McClure/LAFD Flickr

The driver was transported to the hospital with minor injuries.