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Medics save Utah fire captain during meal

Paramedics at the station rescued their captain from an allergic reaction

By Aaron Falk
The Salt Lake Tribune

SALT LAKE CITY — A Salt Lake City fire captain found himself on the other end of a rescue operation Saturday night, and he credits the fast actions of his colleagues with saving his life.

Capt. Steve Hoffman had finished Saturday dinner when he began feeling ill. His eyes watered, his tongue felt like it was swelling. He was beginning to blackout and had difficulty speaking, but managed to tell a paramedic he needed help.

“His voice was slurred and he said, ‘What did you feed me? I need Benadryl.’ I thought he was teasing me because I’m the one who cooked dinner,” said paramedic Chad Dahle.

Paramedics from the station began treatment and took Hoffman to the University Medical Center. Hoffman believes he had an allergic reaction to some wasabi-coated peas he ate with dinner.

“These guys are going to downplay it and say they were just doing their jobs. It’s what we do every day,” Hoffman said at Fire Station No. 2, 270 W. 300 North, where he was back at work Sunday. “But in my eyes, they’re heroes.”

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