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Fla. man recovering after being bitten by deadly cobra

He was cleaning a cage at a permitted facility when the venomous snake attacked; he was in a coma for two days

CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. — A Charlotte County man is in the hospital after being bit by a Monocled Cobra. According to wildlife authorities, 39-year old Francis Costello was cleaning a cage at a permitted facility when the venomous snake attacked.

The reptile enthusiast Francis Costello, who goes by Frank, was rushed to the Peace River Medical Center in Port Charlotte when he was bit. The Miami-Dade Fire Department sent 12 vials of antivenin Sunday morning to counteract the deadly effects.

Wink News spoke to wildlife expert Steve Masek who knows firsthand just how dangerous these cobras can be. Masek is the Head Animal Care Director at the Calusa Nature Center and also keeps cobras at his home.

Full story: Charlotte County man recovering after cobra bite WZVN News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral