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Calif. sheriff’s helicopter aids rescuers

The rescuers were trapped on the rocks by rising waves for about five hours, getting sprayed by the ocean and battered by winds

By Mary Callahan
The Press Democrat

SONOMA COUNTY, Calif. — Rescue personnel who were aiding an injured woman on the rocky coast near Crescent City on Friday night had to be rescued themselves by the Sonoma County sheriff’s helicopter after they became trapped by rising waves.

The emergency began when a 27-year-old woman fell about 20 feet onto some rocks below a cliff topping 100 feet, Sonoma County Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Mahoney said. She had suffered head injuries, broken bones and cuts, he said, and her male companion also was hurt, though not as badly.

Park rangers, Del Norte County Sheriff’s deputies, firefighters, emergency medics and civilian search and rescue volunteers were among nine people who responded around 6:45 p.m., Mahoney said.

Full story: Sonoma County sheriff’s helicopter aids Del Norte rescuers