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NY responders learn to safely handle police dogs

By Adam Bosch
The Times Herald-Record

LOCH SHELDRAKE, N.Y. — The shooting in Binghamton this week reinforced the creed of all emergency responders: Preparation is crucial.

That’s why about 50 firefighters from Sullivan County learned Saturday how to handle a police dog. The scenario is rare, but not unprecedented: What if a K-9 officer is hurt in a car accident, but his dog, snarling and protective, won’t let medical personnel attend to his handler?

“Our K-9s are protection-trained,” said Scott Steingart, a K-9 officer for the state Department of Environmental Conservation. “That truck is their castle and they won’t let anyone in, especially if the handler is hurt.”

Full Story: Authorities cited two incidents in New York when a dog tried to fend off the first responders