By EMS1 Staff
KEYPORT, N.J. — Future EMS providers will have the chance to show off their skills in the 6th Keyport First Aid Cadet Compeition, an annual event held in the city to provide realistic scenario simulations.
The competition, organized by Keyport First Aid Chief Ken Krohe, will feature more than 160 young future EMS providers and offer them the opportunity to practice several skills, including taking a patient’s vital signs, handling cardiac arrests, CPR, splinting, patient assessment and removing patients from motor vehicle arrests.
Participants will arrive on June 7 at Keyport High School, where they will take part in an educational session, then spend the night in emergency tent housing provided by the New Jersey EMS Task Force.
The competition begins on June 8, and will present competitors with real-time learning situations they can practice their skills in. In addition to honing their skill sets, participants will also be able to interact with equipment from the New Jersey EMS Task Force, the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office and Monmouth Ocean Hospital Service Corporation.
Eligible participants for the competition include youth members of EMS organizations sponsored by Keyport First Aid and the EMS Council of New Jersey.
“We want the cadets to have fun, learn a little, and, perhaps more important, get to know who their fellow members are at nearly squads,” Krohe said. “They are the future of this field throughout the tri-state. It’s conceivable that one day in the future they’ll find themselves side-by-side at a real emergency and the time they spent together at the competition will serve them well in those situations.”
To register for the competition or to learn more information, call 732-673-4795, or email