Be sure to check out our newest website providing supplemental emergency care information for everyone who has completed a first aid training class. At, you’ll find resources like reference articles, specific first aid guides, news stories, and a downloadable home emergency plan. MP3 files, video clips, and podcasts will be available for download as the website continues to develop.
Are You Ready for the Challenge?
The site’s most unique feature is the interactive CPR Simulators, which help you hone your skills with simulated exercises in airway clearance, rescue ventilations, and chest compressions. These animated, realistic practice tools guide you through each step of the CPR process, and are really fun to do. Then you’ll be ready to test yourself with the CPR Challenge, and post your high score to the Challenge scoreboard.
“You’ve completed training, you’ve learned the techniques, and now the CPR Simulators allow you to bring your new skills all together and apply them in interactive, easy-to-use simulation exercises,” explained Bill Rowe, paramedic and Development Director for MEDIC FIRST AID®.
The new site is open to all first aid students, regardless of program affiliation. Log in as either MEDIC FIRST AID students or as guests and gain access to the simulation exercises, as well as many of the other features. The text portions of the user-friendly site comply with the latest ADA guidelines for website accessibility, facilitating easy use by screen readers and other computer assistance devices.
Other site features include access to first aid experts through the “Ask MEDIC FIRST AID” link, as well as a portal to the MEDIC FIRST AID online store.
Keep your skills in top form. Bookmark and visit frequently for the latest in first aid information and skill building.