The Western Telegraph
Pembrokeshire, WHALES — Paramedics stuck outside Withybush Hospital in their ambulances vented their frustration on social-networking site Twitter last week.
Waiting times for ambulances outside Withybush Hospital were highlighted by the Western Telegraph last week when an elderly couple were held up for nearly four hours before being admitted.
Late on Wednesday, August 18th, one Twitter user posted: “Our ambulance is number six in line waiting outside A&E. There are another five en route. I’ll be here four hours yet.”
Later that evening, another post read: “My boss: ‘Let the crews offload or they’ll dump their patients on the corridor floors.’ Hospital boss: ‘I’m making a formal complaint now’.”
Closely followed in the early hours of Thursday, August 19th by: “The threat worked. Five beds miraculously became available.”
Images posted by those left waiting show ambulances backed up at the hospital and a computer display of ambulance arrivals showing four inbound ambulances and four more expected.
Another frustrated tweeter commented: “Withybush wasn’t full either. There were empty bays on wards but not enough staff.”
Hywel Dda Health Board was contacted regarding the long wait for ambulances on a second occasion in as many weeks.
A statement read: “Occasionally, and in common with hospitals across the UK, our local hospitals experience exceptionally busy periods.
“This was the case at Withybush General Hospital on Thursday, August 19th, when there was heavy demand.
“The Health Board responded to this very quickly by bringing in extra staff, over normal levels.
“It is unfortunate that some patients may have been delayed, but their care was not compromised, as patient safety is paramount at all times.
“We would urge the local community to assist the health service by only attending emergency units when necessary.”
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