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I-Tec Mfg Enhances the Tank Boss Portable Oxygen Cylinder Lift

WINNSBORO, TX – I-Tec Mfg has enhanced the Tank Boss, a portable oxygen cylinder lift. Currently, the use of the Tank Boss is spreading across the country, and a few innovative ideas have been added. The vertical lift is now built as a combo unit and can be used to lift either “H” or “M” cylinders. This added feature allows the Tank Boss to be used even if a company changes the size of cylinders for the vehicles. “The combo Tank Boss is versatile enough to offer to all of our customers,” said Ned Clifton of American Response Vehicles in Columbia, MO. “This enables them to change cylinder size in the future if necessary.”

Another change in the Tank Boss is the addition of a steel cable slide lock. A lthough the unit works fine without this feature, it is an added safety measure to make the cylinder stay snug in place. “We believe in constant improvement, and I’m always willing to listen to the people who use our products,” said owner and inventor Mike Wilson. Wilson is currently building a new oxygen cylinder storage system that can work in conjunction with the Tank Boss or be used with existing set-ups.

I-Tec Mfg has manufactured the Multi-Grip Head Immobilizer since 1989. They will be releasing a new military/SWAT PAL, Patient Assist Lift, which was developed in Iraq. More information can be found at their website or call 800-892-5562.