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Concept Seating’s Pro Copper Seats Save Lives, Dollars

Working as a public safety officer is an inherently risky job. One of the often overlooked risks is the danger of auto accidents on the job. Traveling at high speeds, as fire, police and EMS personnel often do, there is an ever present risk of accident. It would be foolish for departments not to take precautions before sending their personnel out on the road. No product better addresses the safety of personnel in vehicles than Pro Copper vehicle seats, from Concept Seating.

The Minnesota State Patrol realized the full impact of the Pro Copper seat when an officer was hit from behind at 65 mph, while parked and unbelted. Beyond saving his life, the seat enabled him to be bcak to work in 3 days. The Patrol saved a well-trained officer, worker’s comp, and valuable man hours and overtime expenses - by choosing Pro Copper.

Pro Copper’s cut-away sides enable equipment belt/weapon clearance without causing strain on the lower back. This allows officers to access weapons even while seated in the vehicle.

In addition to saving lives, Pro Copper seats save backs, lost duty time, and money. They also contribute to increased efficiency and better reaction time.


Fixed Headrest - Stronger than adjustable restraints, designed to prevent whiplash.

Fixed Back Steel Frame - Prevents seat back failure, instrumental in driver safety.

Polyethylene Shell - Conforms to natural “S” curve of the spine, reduces road vibrations causing fatique.

Dupont Dymetrol Suspension - Provides complete support by conforming to the shape of the body.

Manual Tilt/Height Adjustment - Allows 6-way adjustment with the same motion as a power seat .

Inflatable Lumbar Support - For lower back support and comfort.


Included with seat are 6-way or 2-way adjuster, installation brackets, and necessary hardware.

FORD :: Crown Victoria, Explorer, Expedition, Taurus, Econoline, Bronco, F Series Truck, Windstar, and others.

DODGE :: Ram, Full sized Van, Intrepid, and others.

CHEVY: Caprice, Lumina, Blazer S-10, Suburban, Tahoe, and others.

PONTIAC :: Bonneville, and others.

GENERAL MOTORS :: Mini Safari, Full size Van.