TORONTO — At its annual conference and meeting this past weekend, members of the Ontario Paramedic Association (OPA) elected Mary Osinga as their new President. Ms. Osinga is a Critical Care Flight Paramedic and professor in the Paramedic Program at Sir Sandford Fleming College in Peterborough. “I’m proud to have been elected and look forward to working with the provincial government and our other stakeholders to continue moving paramedicine forward in order to provide the best care possible for our patients” said Osinga.
Osinga replaces Robert Burgess who did not seek re-election. “I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to serve our members for the past six years in the capacity of President. We have made great strides in developing our relationship with government and have been successful in ensuring that paramedics are consulted on key issues that affect the care of our patients” said Burgess. Minister of Health & Long Term Care George Smitherman attended the conference and presented Burgess with a letter acknowledging his efforts. The OPA presented Burgess and outgoing Vice-President Rick Trombley with lifetime memberships and outstanding achievement awards. “I’m humbled by the support that our members have shown me this weekend and throughout my term as Vice-President” noted Trombley. “I look forward to continuing to be an active member of the OPA.”
In addition to Osinga, the new board of directors includes Vice-President Brian Johnson who replaced Trombley. Johnson is an Advanced Care Paramedic who practices in Peel Region. Elizabeth Anderson (PCP, Ottawa EMS) continues in her role as Executive Secretary and David Dasti (CCP — Ornge Timmins) joins the team as the new Treasurer. A complete listing of the new board will be available very soon.
The Ontario Paramedic Association is a professional organization representing paramedics from across the province. Our goals are to promote the highest standard of care for our patients and to promote the profession of Paramedicine.
For further information: Ontario Paramedic Association: Mary Osinga, President — email:; Or contact OPA Office — 1-888-OPA-Line, website: