Two dates for a workship on how to write grants and understand the evaluation process has been announced. One will be held on October 25, 2006 at the Market Access Training Center in Arlington, Va. The address for this center is 4301 Wilson Blvd. The second workshop will be held on December 7, 2006, at Adam’s Mark Hotel in Denver. Registration time is 7:30 am. The program starts at 8:00 a.m., and ends at 4:00 p.m.
Here are comments from previous workshop attendees:
“I left feeling that I have a very good chance of writing my first successful grant application.”
- Joni Ashton, Administrative Assistant, Maricopa Fire Department
“Dr. Browning has more knowledge in her little finger than most agency grant writers as a whole. Thanks for sharing.”
- Nan Tarlton, Administrator-Special Projects, Mississippi Department of Transportation
“This was well worth the investment. I am very pleased I was able to participate.”
- Amy Mann, Director, Health and Regulatory Affairs, American Horse Council
“Fantastic. I’ve taken the Grantmasters 5-day course and I got a lot more out of this one-day with Bev.”
- Diane Tentschert, Staff Assistant, City of Tucson, Arizona
The following additional trainings are also available. (For details go to
- Continuity of Government Operations and Telework Conference, August 15, 2006, Arlington, VA
- How to Sell to the Federal Government Training Conference, October 10, 2006, Washington, DC
- Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Conference, October 11-12, Washington, DC
- Physical Security and Critical Infrastructure: Protecting America One Building At a Time, November 7, Arlington, VA
- Emergency Preparedness for Government Facilities, November 9-10, 2006, Atlanta, GA
- Document Management and Automation Conference, December 6, 2006, Denver, CO
- Register for both and save $100
About this Workshop
The How to Write Grants and Understand the Evaluation Process Workshop will not only teach you how to write and submit a successful grant application, but you will learn tips to beat your competition by creating an application that wins high peer review points. Also, you will learn how to better understand the grant review process.
Stop being left behind-financially and programmatically. This is being taught by a nationally-renowned Grants expert. Two half day grants workshops are being combined into one great course. Reduce your stress when it comes to finding, writing, and winning government funding opportunities!
Who Should Attend
- Any nonprofit or for-profit organization that has not — or has! — been successful at winning government grants and cooperative agreements
- Regional, state and local public safety and emergency management executives and senior staff
- State and local grants personnel interested in learning about updating grant writing skills
- Academia interested in funding for critical programs and projects
- Novice grant seeker to the seasoned grant writer that wants to increase their rate of funding success
What you will learn
- How to locate grant funds
- How to create a successful grant application
- How to spotlight your organization over your competitors
- How to transfer a rejection into a new opportunity
- Why your competitors are winning grants and cooperative agreements
- Why your grant isn’t being funded
- What reviewers are looking for when scoring a grant application
- Best practices and sample sections of a successful grant application
Your Speaker
Dr. Beverly A. Browning is an international grant writer and grant consultant. Throughout nearly two decades of contracted grant writing, workshops, internships, and publications, she has used her experience to win public and private funding requests for her clients. She has demonstrated expertise in securing $80 million in foundation, corporate, state, local and federal grants. Dr. Browning is the author of a dozen grants-related publications, including audio and video products, including Grant Writing For Dummies(tm) (2001 and 2005, Wiley), Grant Writing For Educators: Practical Strategies for Teachers, Administrators, and Staff (2004, NES), and Faithbased Grants: Aligning Your Church to Receive Abundance (2005, BBA).
- 7:30-8:00 a.m.: Registration, Continental Breakfast (coffee and pastries)
- 8:00-8:45 a.m.: Powering Up with Grant Basics
- This session will cover how you can search for government grants and how to talk the talk of grant writing.
- 8:45-9:45 a.m.: Putting Together your Grant Application
- This session will show you how to put a grant application together, how to put the spotlight on your organization, and demonstrate how grant funds will be used.
- 9:45-10:00 a.m.: Networking Break
- 10:00-10:30 a.m.: Reaching the Finish Line of your Application
- This session will explain what to look for when the deadline is approaching, how to follow up, and how to transfer a rejection into a new opportunity
- 10:30-11:15 a.m.: Tips on Grant Writing
- This session provides the ten ways to personalize your request, ten grant writing no-no’s, ten tips for organizing your writing, and ten tips to handling a rejection.
- 11:15-11:30 a.m.: Questions and Answers on Grant Writing Process
- 11:30-12:30 p.m.: Lunch on your own
- 12:30-1:00 p.m.: Introduction and Background of the Evaluation Process
- This session will cover the funder planning processes and strategy development.
- 1:00-1:45 p.m.: General Grant Evaluation Process and Review Criteria This session will explain the general proposal requirements that funders are looking for and how to access the funding opportunities to ensure that they are a good fit.
- 1:45-2:00 p.m.: Networking Break
- 2:00-3:00 p.m.: Specific Components of a Grant Proposal
- This session will cover what funders are looking for section by section and include best practices and samples of a grant proposal.
- 3:00-3:15 p.m.: Post Grant Submission Requirement
- This session will teach you the program implementation requirements and the how to handle rejections.
- 3:15-4:00 p.m.: Additional Information, Wrap up, and Outstanding Questions and Answers
Registration Charges
- Industry - $595 per person
- Small Business (100 employees or less) - $495 per person
- Government - $395 per person
Registration Options
- Online with your credit card using our online booking form at
- Fax our registration form provided below to (703) 807-2728
- Phone Pamela Greenstein at (703) 807-2758
- E-mail Pamela Greenstein at
- Mail the registration form provided below to:
- Homeland Defense Journal
4301 Wilson Blvd. #1003, Arlington, VA 22203
Contact Us
- For registration information, please contact Pamela Greenstein, (703) 807-2758
- For agenda information please contact Kimberley Hovda, (703) 894-1096
REGISTRATION FORM: How to Write Grants and Understand the Evaluation Process | |
Please circle one: | October 25, 2005- Arlington, Virginia December 7, 2006, Denver, Colorado |
Attendee Name: | |
Title: | |
Company/Agency: | |
Address: |
City, State, and Zip Code: | |
Telephone Number: Fax Number: | |
Attendee E-mail Address: | |
Training Coordinator E-mail Address: | |
Phone #: | |
| Method of Payment:
Type of Credit Card (check one): | ____Visa____MasterCard____American Express |
Card Number: | |
Exp. Date: | |
Name Printed on Card: | |
Signature (required): |
Please fax this form, complete with payment information, to (703) 807-2728 or mail it with your payment to:
- Market*Access International, Inc., Suite 1003,
Arlington, VA 22203
If you have questions about registration/payment, please call Pamela Greenstein at (703) 807-2758.