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Congressional Briefing Provides Insights On Transforming Emergency Patient Care in the Field

Washington, D.C. - The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) held a briefing, in cooperation with Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.) and Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.) to explore the transformation of emergency patient care in the field.

The September 18 briefing brought experts from diverse EMS sectors to detail the history of the Field EMS profession, and provide insights into the improved patient care outcomes achieved from innovative EMS models, such as mobile integrated healthcare and current legislative provisions. Specifically, the “Field EMS Bill” (H.R. 809/S. 2400), introduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Bucshon and co-sponsored by Rep. Heck, along with its Senate companion, would spur the development of new delivery models to better meet the needs of patients, while reducing health care costs.

“As a physician, I understand that Field EMS is a critical component of our nation’s health care delivery system,” said Rep. Bucshon. “I’m proud to sponsor H.R. 809 to support this profession and to ensure the EMS sector has the resources needed to provide quality, efficient care to patients with emergency health concerns. Thanks to NAEMT and Rep. Heck for joining with me to highlight the great work being done in emergency patient care.”

Field EMS refers to emergency medical and trauma care provided outside the hospital, often as part of transport to a hospital. Each year, over 25 million patients, representing more than 8 percent of the total U.S. population, receive medical care from Field EMS providers. Field EMS saves lives and is an essential component of the United States health care system. As our nation’s health care delivery system adapts to new models of quality and cost-effective care, there is significant opportunity for EMS providers and systems to be part of the solution to help improve patient outcomes, while reducing per patient health care costs. Field EMS providers can reduce downstream emergency department and hospitalization costs, while increasing patient care quality and safety by employing innovative care delivery models.

“Having worked in emergency medicine for more than 35 years both as an EMT and physician, I know the potential benefit of mobile integrated healthcare to improving patient outcomes and reducing overall health care costs,” stated Rep. Heck. “Coordinated and comprehensive care provided during an emergency situation is crucial to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.”

Mobile integrated healthcare and community paramedicine (MIH-CP) programs are transforming EMS to be an important partner in improving the health of patients and controlling the cost of care. To help all EMS practitioners and others understand MIH-CP programs, NAEMT created “Transforming EMS: Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine,” a brief video distributed to hundreds of thousands of EMS practitioners, educators, organizations, government agencies and media outlets across the country. View the video at



Formed in 1975 and today more than 46,000 members strong, the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) is the only national association dedicated to representing the professional interests of all emergency medical services (EMS) practitioners, including Paramedics, advanced emergency medical technicians, emergency medical technicians, emergency medical responders and other professionals working in prehospital emergency medicine. NAEMT members work in all sectors of EMS, including government service agencies, fire departments, hospital-based ambulance services, private companies, industrial and special operations settings, and in the military.

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For additional information or questions, please contact:

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

Kathleen Taormina

Communications Manager
