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Photo of the Week: PPE shipment arrives just in time

Cataldo Ambulance Service (Mass.) provided assurance to its community that its providers were prepared to serve during the COVID-19 pandemic


Calling all EMS photographers! EMS1 wants to see pictures of you in action or training. Submit a photo — it could be selected as our Photo of the Week! Be sure to include your name, department information and some background on the photo.

This week’s Photo of Week shows some positive news out of Somerville, Mass., where Cataldo Ambulance Service recently received a well-timed shipment of PPE amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Team Cataldo continues to serve our community and healthcare partners!” the service wrote on Facebook.

Cataldo Ambulance Service also recently announced that its mobile integrated healthcare unit, SmartCare, will be performing in-home COVID-19 testing in the coming days.


Photo Credit/Cataldo Ambulance Service