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EMS around the globe: Ambulance regulations and protocol changes

News from around the world of EMS highlights the danger from vehicle collisions and the possibilities to change protocols to benefit patients

EMS around the globe news items are contributed and curated by Scot Phelps, JD, MPH, Paramedic. Phelps is a Professor of Ambulance Science who teaches the Ambulance Science Fellowship Programs at the Emergency Management Academy.

China: Beijing proposes new ambulance rules

The proposed rules include a 10-day prison sentence for failure to yield, first aid stations at theatres and shopping centers.

Read the Full Story: New ambulance rules

Russia: Ambulance crash and more selfies

A paramedic was killed and several passengers were injured in a collision between and ambulance and a car in Russia.

Read the Full Story: Chernushka “ambulance” crashed into a VAZ – paramedic died

Two paramedics, in separate incidents, were fired for taking selfies with patients in the background.

Read the Full Story: Selfies with patients

Ukraine: Paramedic dies in Ukrainian ambulance crash

A collision between an ambulance and a car killed the paramedic and injured a female passenger in the car.

Read the Full Story: Ambulance collided with a truck

Dubai: Off-road ambulance for mountain bike trails

A new 6-wheel vehicle to be used by Dubai ambulance services for trails and special events.

Read the Full Story: New ambulance for rough areas

India: Corruption in Indian 108 ambulance service management

Audit of records finds fraud and mismanagement.

Read Full Story: Comptroller and Auditor General finds loopholes in running of 108-ambulance services

Brazil: Unpaid medics and motorcycle response.

Medics that were unpaid for 90 days stop services

Read Full Story: Cinco municípios gaúchos vão ficar sem Samu por falta de recursos

Medics arrive by motorcycle and able to begin care before the ambulance arrives.

Read the Full Story: Motossocorristas do Samu potencializam salvamentos ágeis no Estado

Chile: Drug trafficking with an ambulance

Trial begins for 5 charged with transporting 140 kg of cocaine base, 60 kg of cocaine and 53 kg of marijuana in an specially-designed ambulance in Chile

Read the Full Story: Cinco acusados por tráfico de drogas en una ambulancia

South Korea: Medics “refuse transport” policy

Policy change results in 20% decrease in emergency transports

Read Full Story: Transport refusals