In early May of 2012, EMS1 conducted a survey on first responders’ use of Airway Management tools. They represent a poll of 203 Emergency Medical Responders, Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, and equivalent. We have posted the results to the survey below.
- 97% use bag-valve mask to assist with patient breathing.
- 98% use auscultation of gastric and lung sounds to confirm tube placement.
- 56% are authorized to perform endotracheal intubation.
Question 1: Which of the following devices do you use to establish and maintain a patient airway?
SUMMARY: 94% establish and maintain a patient airway with Oropharyngeal airways.
Question 2: Which of the following devices do you use to assist a patient with breathing?
SUMMARY: 97% use bag-valve mask.
Question 3: Are you authorized to perform endotracheal intubation?
SUMMARY: 56% are authorized to perform endotracheal intubation.
Question 4: How do you confirm tube placement?
SUMMARY: 98% use auscultation of gastric and lung sounds while 91% use visual confirmation.
Question 5: Are you authorized to intubate pediatric patients?
SUMMARY: 56% are authorized to intubate pediatric patients.
Question 6: Do you use an endotracheal tube introducer (bougie)?
SUMMARY: 38% do not have access to a bougie. 20% do have access and 22% do not know what it is.
Question 7: Which brand of airways is most common in your agency?
SUMMARY: 28% use LMA airways. The most popular “Other” reponse included Kingsystems airways.
Visit the Airway Management product page for more news, tips, and videos.