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Obese Canadians may get top priority in H1N1 vaccinations

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Toronto, CANADA — The possibility that Canadians with excessive weight problems may be at higher risks to become sick of Influenza A (H1N1) virus may place obese people on top of the priority list of swine flu vaccinations.

Ontario chief public health officer Dr. Arlene King explained the likely high priority of obese people stems from a study by scientists of patterns of transmission of the H1N1 virus. Aside from overweight people, others high on the priority list are pregnant women, residents of remote northern communities, babies and Canadians with pre-existing ailments.

However, King clarified the initial information linking obesity with higher chances of acquiring the H1N1 virus must be studied further since excess weight is not traditionally a risk factor for flu complication.

Full story: Ottawa planning national guideline on H1N1 vaccination priority system