NOTE: The following update is from Jeff Clawson, M.D., creator of IAED’s protocols and the Academy’s co-founder.
SALT LAKE CITY— The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch’s® (IAED™) CBNR Fast Track Committee first began issuing updates on the dispatch aspects of Ebola in early August and, on Friday, Oct. 10, published its Ebola-specific Emerging Infectious Disease Surveillance (EIDS) Tool for anyone in the world to use.
With more recent spread of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outside of West Africa and now unpredictably appearing in new places, the specifics of when to use the extent of questioning within this Tool must remain user-defined (medical director-controlled where possible). Where a secondary surveillance software is used like FirstWatch, there is obviously a desire to collect more information to aid in its predictability features.
Per the Academy, there is no specific “required” order or specific number of these questions to ask. Geographically, areas of recent travel concern can change daily. In the upcoming version of the Tool, the CBRN Committee has approved adding several “Medical Director-approved” question spaces and “Medical Director-approved instruction spaces for local agency use. The CBRN Committee will continue to monitor the CDC, WHO, and other leading groups for new recommendations regarding this fluid situation and act rapidly to put them into Dispatch Life Support-appropriate language and protocol.
It is recommended that your agency check the IAED’s website daily for any new updates or dispatch-related advice until the public health is again stable and assured. We anticipate updates to the EIDS Tool to be posted within the next several days at: