RQI offers individuals and EMS teams tailored programs to verify competence and increase survival rates from sudden cardiac arrest. By focusing on mastery learning with verified skills competence, RQI EMS Provider helps reduce the overall cost of training while improving performance. RQI EMS Provider shifts from a traditional two-year resuscitation training mindset to one of mastery learning with verified skills
competence. The program’s blended learning approach focuses on high-quality CPR to improve patient outcomes. Participants receive a verified BLS Provider eCredential and CME/CE.
It takes a system to save a patient
When the process works seamlessly from end to end, an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
doesn’t have to be a death sentence. To start improving your outcomes, ask yourself
these six questions:
1. What is our community’s Utstein survival percentage?
2. How frequently do bystanders perform CPR?
3. What is our time between 911 call and delivery of T-CPR?
4. What is our department’s median compression fraction for CPR calls?
5. How do our telecommunicators and EMS personnel train for cardiac arrest?
6. How do we measure performance on cardiac arrest calls?