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Emergency Preparedness Simulation Scenarios Developed for Disaster Training Utilizing Laerdal’s VitalSim Product Line

Terrorism Scenarios help meet training challenges of today’s First Responders

Wappingers Falls, NY – Laerdal Medical, in conjunction with The University of Miami’s Gordon Center for Research in Medical Education, is in the final stages of re-developing the Emergency Preparedness Scenarios – Terrorism package to function on Laerdal’s VitalSim-capable Simulators.

This product includes a binder of support materials including a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Poster, Learning Objective Poster, and 25 validated Scenarios geared toward the DHS’s National Planning Scenarios. Initially developed for use with Laerdal’s SimMan® Advanced Patient Simulator, these scenarios are ideal for use on the VitalSim product platform because it offers high quality VitalSim technology and fidelity at a reasonable cost to the consumer.

The scenarios have been reprogrammed to operate on the complete line of adult VitalSim capable manikins, which include MegaCode Kelly Advanced, ALS Simulator, Nursing Anne, Nursing Kelly and the Resusci Anne ® Simulator. Each VitalSim Manikin has different capabilities, resulting in some differences in how each will respond to the Disaster scenarios.

The Terrorism Scenarios were developed to meet training challenges facing the Military, Paramedics, Hospital Personnel and other pre-hospital first responders who need to determine correct priorities and enhance their operational assignments when responding to casualties of terrorism.

Laerdal’s Emergency Preparedness Scenarios cover five key terrorism threats including Nerve Agent attacks, Improvised Explosive Device Dispersal (IED), Radiological Dispersal Device Dispersal (RDD) and Cyanide Exposure and Blister agents. The five threat groups each contain five different casualty cases that can be used individually or combined to simulate multiple casualty events.

About Laerdal Medical
Laerdal Medical is one of the world’s leading providers of Healthcare Solutions, is dedicated to helping save lives with products and services for Simulation, Airway Management, Immobilization, Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, Patient Care, Self-Directed Learning, and Medical Education. Laerdal is pleased to serve all healthcare providers and educators, from the lay rescuer to the medical professional. For more information, visit