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Wis. ambulance chief returns to duty after prostitute incident

By Amanda Pinto
New Haven Register

MADISON, Wis. — The chief of the Madison Ambulance Association, who had been on administrative leave since his arrest in August, has returned to work. Steve Shaw resumed his duties as a paramedic about a week ago, said William Lewis, vice president of the ambulance association’s board.

Shaw was one of 10 men arrested and charged with patronizing a prostitute in the Fair Haven neighborhood during New Haven’s ongoing Police Prostitution Reduction Initiative.

Shaw was granted accelerated rehabilitation for the misdemeanor and is due in court in March. He is not a town employee. The ambulance association is contracted by Madison.

His arrest came as scandal rocked the town’s police department, after several officers faced criminal or administrative charges.

Among the accusations was the claim that as many as four officers met with prostitutes while on duty, and another visited a house of prostitution while off duty.

Lewis said he could not comment on Shaw’s return to work because it is a personnel issue.

Shaw said his lawyer had instructed him not to comment.

In August, Lewis said Shaw had a good record and has been a “stellar employee.”