WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International sent letters yesterday to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Congress restating its support for efforts to ensure that Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services provide 9-1-1 service by the November 28 deadline set by the FCC earlier this year. In its letter to Congress, APCO International made clear its support of legislation that would codify and expand the current FCC order, while stating its objection to legislation that would postpone the FCC deadline.
“Any such delay would continue to leave the public at risk that their ‘9-1-1' call, if made from a VoIP interconnected telephone, would not be delivered to the proper PSAP and a trained call-taker,” the letter to Congress from APCO International President Greg Ballentine said. “Effective 9-1-1 service is a necessary element of any interconnected telephone service offering.”
In its letter to the FCC, APCO International again applauded the Commission for their efforts on this issue.
“APCO International strongly supports the Commission’s ongoing efforts to ensure that VoIP services provide 9-1-1 capability across the nation by November 28,” the letter to the FCC from Ballentine said.
APCO International’s letters of support were in response to the announcement by AT&T outlining its plans to comply with the FCC requirements for its VoIP service offering.
“APCO International supports AT&T’s proactive solution,” Ballentine’s letter to Congress said. “We are particularly pleased that AT&T has agreed not to offer new VoIP services, and to block ‘nomadic’ service, in areas in which it does not have 9-1-1 capability.”
Visit http://www.apcointl.org/about/gov/PDF/CongressATTLetter101205.pdf to read APCO International’s letter to Congress. Visit http://www.apcointl.org/about/gov/PDF/FCCATTLetter101205.pdf to read APCO International’s letter to the FCC.
About APCO International
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials International, Inc. is the world’s oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of public safety communications. APCO serves the professional needs of its 15,000 members worldwide by creating a platform for setting professional standards, addressing professional issues and providing education, products and services for people who manage, operate, maintain and supply the communications systems used by police, fire and emergency medical dispatch agencies throughout the world. For more information, visit www.apcointl.org.