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75,000 Emergency Responders Reduce Response Times with

DEWITT, NY - today announced that it has surpassed another significant milestone, and is now used by more than 75,000 emergency responders to reduce response times to emergency incidents. is a web-based system used by emergency responders to immediately inform their chiefs, team leaders, other members of their department or team, and dispatchers if, when and where they are responding to emergency incidents. is used by fire departments, EMS agencies, specialty response teams, and any emergency response entities that rely on out-of-station personnel for any portion of their emergency response.

Daniel Seidberg, President of, explains, “Fire, EMS and other first response providers have clearly recognized, and regularly report, that significantly reduces their emergency response times. The days of waiting to see if a full crew is responding to an emergency are gone. Departments and their dispatchers now know immediately if a full crew is en route to the station or scene, or if others are still needed. This saves critical time in responding to emergencies. Getting full crews out more quickly also makes for both a safer and more effective response, which is just as critical as the time being saved.

Limerick Fire Company Chief Ken Shuler says that is “one of the most important tools we use every day at our station. We used to show up at the station and wait for X minutes to see if anyone was showing up, and then take off to the call. Now, we can walk in the door and know who is coming and where they are going just by looking at the computer screen. We now leave with full trucks or know we have to call for additional resources if we are short - before we even leave the station.”

Flanders Fire and Rescue Chief Fred Detoro has called “the best thing to happen to the volunteer fire and EMS service since the pager.” Emergency responders can now also receive their dispatch messages via text message and/or email, right through their system; Mr. Seidberg explains that “this redundancy and ease of access to dispatch information is also contributing to faster and more effective emergency responses.”’s completely redundant and fault-tolerant network has also proven itself through real-world usage to be fully capable of delivering the most reliable web-based service in the fire and EMS industry. has processed more than 1.6 million telephone calls from emergency responders; has processed more than 17.9 million shift hours; and has successfully delivered more than 10 million outbound messages to its users.

“We are very proud of the network reliability that we have been able to deliver to our customers, but we will continue to expand our network and redundancy to always scale far ahead of the needs of our current subscribers,” says Mr. Seidberg, who further explained that “the simplicity of this system from a user perspective, the value of the services that it provides, and the proven reliability of our network all contribute to a significant number of user-to-user referrals within the industry.”

The many additional functions of include: a scheduling system; a system for members to be able to notify their department of their in-town availability or unavailability; a mass messaging system; a calendaring system; automated certification date tracking; the tracking of the in and out-of-service status of vehicles; and a consolidated dispatch center system for dispatchers to be able to monitor the IamResponding systems of all of the entities within their dispatch territory.

With its web-based simplicity, no software is required to use Individual departments can be fully activated in less than 24 hours. offers completely free, no-obligation, 2-month trials.