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Oximetry for EMTs and First Responders - CCBEMS approved - $15.95 (no charge, covered by ED grant until 12/31/08)

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Respiratory gasses are essential for life. The ability of out-of-hospital emergency care providers to monitor these gasses is essential to quality prehospital care. Pulse oximetry has been the standard method for monitoring peripheral arterial oxygen saturation. Newer methodologies now allow the monitoring of carbon dioxide through capnography and carbon monoxide through CO-oximetry.

Upon completing this educational curriculum on oximetry, by Bryan E. Bledsoe, DO, FACEP, the student will be able to clinically apply pulse oximetry and CO-oximetry in the out-of-hospital setting in order to enhance patient assessment skills and provide optimal interventions in patient care.

Download the curriculum materials below.

Download Oximetry (PowerPoint v.2007) - 13.8 MB

Download Oximetry (PowerPoint v.2003 or older) - 16.6 MB

Download Oximetry Handouts (PDF) - 2.56 MB

Download Oximetry Curriculum (Word) - 12.7 MB

This educational module is sponsored by Masimo Inc., and is endorsed by the National Association of EMTs and the International Association of Flight Paramedics.

Copyright 2008 by Cielo Azul Publications.

This education section is sponsored by Masimo Inc., dedicated to making noninvasive patient monitoring technologies that are more effective and reliable, and improving patient outcomes and reducing the cost of care.