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N.Y. ambulance company treasurer sentenced in theft

By April Amadon
Lockport Union-Sun & Journal
Copyright 2008 Lockport Union-Sun & Journal

LOCKPORT, N.Y. — A former volunteer for the Tri-Community Ambulance Company was sentenced to probation Thursday for stealing company funds.

Lawrence Sparks, 51, 355 Davison Road, Apt. 1, was sentenced Thursday in Niagara County Court to three years probation.

Sparks, who served as treasurer for the ambulance company, admitted to using the company’s credit card to make personal purchases, including gasoline, shoes and toys, on several occasions throughout 2006.

He was arrested Jan. 26, 2007, and has been suspended from the ambulance company, where he had resigned his position as treasurer in fall 2006.

Full Story: Volunteer pleaded guilty to using company credit card