New York, NY - NAUMD Officials announced that the NAUMD Best Dressed Public Safety Awards competition to honor and publicly acknowledge Police Departments, Fire Departments and all Public Safety organization as well as their NAUMD Member Uniform Suppliers as the very best uniformed organizations would be open for submissions. For over 30 years this annual competition has focused on the importance of professional, neat, well fitted, and immediately identifiable uniforms for all concerned in the vitally important role of public safety and law enforcement. The Award indicates a dedication of the Association’s Uniform Professionals to meet the exacting needs of today’s public safety professionals.
In moves to continue to improve the promotion and recognition of the winners, all will again be honored during a gala Awards NAUMD Welcome Breakfast during the NAUMD 2010 “Preparing for a Better Tomorrow” Convention in Las Vegas at Rio All Suite Hotel & Casino on Saturday, March 6th, at a ceremony featuring a multi-media presentation. The program will now also include awards for new members from both Canada & Mexico! The new deadline for Submissions is now January 15, 2010.
“Our goal is to firmly establish the NAUMD Best Dressed Public Safety Awards as the gold standard of public safety apparel and accessories design,” said Richard J. Lerman, President of the North-American Association of Uniform Manufacturers & Distributors. “By engaging outstanding public safety authorities, media and professionals as our judges, and streamlining the judging process through an on-line web-based process, we are insuring maximum member participation and expert evaluation of these important programs.”
The new deadline for entries will be January 15, 2010! Up to that date all will be able to submit their materials, photos and program descriptions. The 2010 submission process opened for entries on September 15, 2009!
“Our goal is to recognize the broadest range of Public Safety Apparel & Accessories in our industry, and to encourage design creativity across all industry sectors,” said Dan Donahue, Chairman of the NAUMD
Public Safety Committee and Vice President of Strong Leather, Inc. “To this end, The NAUMD Welcome Breakfast, now featuring the Best Dressed Public Safety Awards Program, will become a celebration of
the very best the Uniform Industry has to offer in the design, protection and enhancement for Public Safety Officers.”
All NAUMD member companies, and their Client Public Safety Departments, are eligible to participate in the 2010 Best Dressed Public Safety Awards program. “All items submitted must represent live programs
currently in use in the industry,” noted Lerman. “If nominated, a company will have the opportunity to supply content for use in the multi-media presentation at the NAUMD 2010 Convention & Exposition in Las
Members will receive complete information packets on the Awards program in September and also on the Association’s website at For further information contact the Association at 212.736.3010 or visit the NAUMD website at:
About the NAUMD
The North American Association of Uniform Manufacturers & Distributors (NAUMD) has served as the voice of the Uniform Industry since 1933, and is a business trade association representing the interests and needs of its 500+ member corporations, who manufacture, design, produce, and or sell uniforms and uniform accessories or who provide products and or services to the uniform industry.
For further information please contact:
Richard J. Lerman, President & CEO
NAUMD (north-american association of uniform manufacturers & distributors)
336 West 37th St. - Suite 370, New York, NY 10018
Ph: 212.736.3010 Ext 205 / Fax: 212.736.3013 -