The Evening Sun
YORK, Pa. — Ted Hake, vice president of White Rose Ambulance, said the patient in the ambulance at the time, who was being transported from York Hospital to Manor Care-Dallastown, was examined at the hospital and released. He said the two crew members were being treated for what he described as non-life-threatening injuries.
“We are fortunate that it wasn’t much worse,” he said. “The ambulance didn’t roll and it just missed a telephone pole.”
Previously: Four people were injured early Friday morning after a car and an ambulance collided in York Township, according to York Area Regional Police.
Police said a Honda Civic driven by a 36-year-old man was traveling in the wrong lane of South Queen Street when the crash occurred.
The White Rose Ambulance had been driving south in the 2800 block of South Queen Street and, cresting a hill south of Honey Valley Road, collided with the Honda that was driving northbound in the southbound lane.
Four people -- the driver of the Honda and three women in the ambulance -- were transported to York Hospital, police said. The severity of their injuries was not available.
White Rose Ambulance said via Twitter that the ambulance had a patient on board at the time of the crash.
Police are investigating the crash.
The crash occurred at 12:25 a.m. Friday, police said.
©2015 The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pa.)
Additional photos of our ambulance 267 with patient on board, which was struck head on by car.
— White Rose Ambulance (@wraems) May 15, 2015