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Medevac response questioned in Baltimore

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BALTIMORE — If you’re critically injured in a crash and need to get to a hospital fast, the WBAL TV 11 News I-Team discovered that the closest medical helicopter may not be the one called.

Geary Hoover, a Washington County resident, said he still has nightmares about a fatal crash that unfolded in front of him on a section of road many residents near Boonsboro call Dead Man’s Curve.

“The accident happened right here as you come around the curve,” he told I-Team reporter David Collins when they returned to the crash site.

“The two in this vehicle here that got hit were alive. She was unconscious at first. The gentleman over here in the other car was still alive. He looked up at me. I told him that help was on the way. I held his hand, and we prayed,” Hoover said.

Full Story: Closest medical helicopters not always called