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Md. county approves $195K loan to purchase ambulance

This new equipment will replace one of the fire company’s current ambulances from 2005 that has about 130,000 miles on it

By Emily Chappell
Carroll County Times

CARROLL COUNTY, Md. — The Union Bridge fire company is one step closer to a new ambulance.

The Carroll County commissioners voted 4-0 Thursday to approve a $195,000 loan for the fire company to purchase an ambulance. Commissioner Doug Howard, R-District 5, was not in attendance for the meeting or vote.

This new equipment will replace one of the fire company’s current ambulances from 2005 that has about 130,000 miles on it.

While the new ambulance might not have all the bells and whistles, Chief Chad Green said, it will be just what the fire company needs.

“To us we feel it’s top notch,” he said.

The goal is to get the new ambulance in January, Green added.

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