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Woman thanks off-duty EMT, nurse for saving her life

The EMT and school nurse were able to save the woman after she fell ill and lost control of her car, striking the front corner of the school

The Laurinburg Exchange

LAURINBURG, N.C. — It was the role of mom that brought Kimbrick Morris to Laurel Hill Elementary to pick up her son Jeren McCall, who is in kindergarten. But within minutes, she had become a superhero to heart attack victim Stephanie Underwood.

As far as Underwood is concerned Kimbrick Morris, a Scotland County EMT paramedic and school nurse Amanda McNickle are the “dynamic duo.”

Through team work, the school nurse and off-duty paramedic were able to save the life of the Laurel Hill grandmother earlier this month after she fell ill and lost control of her car, striking the front corner of the school.

“When I was coming out of the parking lot, I saw the vehicle crash into the side of the school — my EMT instincts kicked in and I went to the scene,” Morris said.

Morris said Underwood had stopped breathing. McNickle arrived at the crash seconds later and the two women began performing CPR and using a breathing devise on Underwood.

The pair also used an automatic defibrillator that brought back Underwood’s pulse, only for it to be lost again, according to Morris. They continued to perform chest compression’s and rescue breathes until reviving Underwood with a second shock from the AED, Morris said.

“I wouldn’t be standing here breathing today it it wasn’t for the fast action from Amanda McNickle, Kimbrick Morris and everyone involved,” said Underwood, who had gone to the elementary school, to pick up her granddaughter.

Kesha Hood, principal of Laurel Hill Elementary, applauded those who assisted Underwood for their quick action during the Sept. 12 accident. School officials said they plan to recognize the people who helped save Underwood’s life at a future school board meeting.

“I could not have done it by myself, it was a true team effort,” McNickle said. “It wasn’t just me, anyone that could help, did.”

Morris said she would not hesitate to help again.

“I’m glad I was there,” she said. “I was in the right place at the right time.”

Although Underwood has since been released from the hospital, her recovery is just beginning.

“I am doing better, but it will be a long process. The doctors said it will be 3 to 4 months until I make a full recovery,” Underwood said.

Underwood sustained cracked ribs and other injuries during the incident.

“I have been up to the school to say thank you and give my appreciation to Amanda (McNickle) for saving my life.” she said. “I want to thank everyone for the support for reaching out to me.”

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