By Kate Czaplinski
Trumball Times
TRUMBALL, Conn. — Quick response and treatment by Trumbull police officers helped get a cardiac arrest victim breathing again Monday afternoon.
The 49-year-old man collapsed at LA Fitness, near the mall, at 12:26 p.m. Dec. 22. Police Officer Jay Leos and Officer Scott Duva arrived just a couple of minutes later. The call had come in as a reported seizure, but the patient stopped breathing at one point. Leos, with assistance from Duva, used an automated external defibrillator (AED), which got the man breathing again, according to Lt. Leonard Scinto. EMS arrived soon after police, continuing care and stabilizing the patient for transport to the hospital.
“The police department was on the scene very quickly, in a matter of a minute or two,” EMS Chief Joseph Laucella said. “They assessed the patient and were able to defibrillate the patient.”
Read Full Story: Police resuscitate man who collapsed at LA Fitness