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UK medic who downloaded porn on duty ‘escapes with caution’

Senior paramedic receives only a warning for on duty sexual behaviors

By Andres Hough
The Telegraph

LONDON — A senior paramedic, Paul Leverett, escaped with only a caution despite leaving untrained staff deal with emergencies and downloading hard-core pornography and phoning sex lines while on duty.

The senior officer abused his position as duty manager for the East England Ambulance Service in Essex, a disciplinary hearing was told. He left the centre, based at Chelmsford, Essex, for long periods of time during his shift without permission. The Health Professions Council, in Central London, heard that on one occasion he left untrained staff to deal with an emergency of a person under a train. The hearing was told he had also downloaded hard-core pornography and called premium chat lines while on duty.

When the service’s IT manager, Dave Fountain, investigated the use of his work mobile, he found Leverett had been calling numbers that were not work related on a regular basis, including chat lines.

Full Story: Paramedic who downloaded hardcore gay pornography on duty ‘escapes with caution’