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Medic disputes ‘fake’ photo of hospital overcrowding

The paramedic who took the photo of patients said he did so spontaneously, and later sent it to the media to highlight the overcrowding

VICTORIA, Australia — As ambulances continued to arrive at Frankston Hospital and more patients piled into the emergency department on stretchers, the paramedic could not believe the scene unfolding before him.

He took a photo of patients in a corridor “to capture it for myself, in amazement at the situation I was caught up in. It was like being at the MCG, we were just crammed in there”. The photograph ran prominently across various media outlets in July, prompting health minister David Davis to release closed-circuit television footage in October which he said showed the photograph had been “faked.”

But that claim has been disputed by the paramedic at a disciplinary hearing before senior Ambulance Victoria managers, a transcript of which has been obtained by The Age. Davis said the footage showed “patients being manoeuvred around the emergency department for no reason other than to manufacture photographs.”

Full story: Paramedic disputes ‘fake’ hospital photo at hearing