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Las Vegas, AMR, continue 3-month duel over patient transport policy

Each side has accused the other of misleading the public, and they’re now refusing to share information with one another

Las Vegas Review-Journal

LAS VEGAS — The Las Vegas Fire Department and American Medical Response have dueled for three months over a new hospital transport policy that is pulling more money into city coffers and less into the private ambulance company’s.

Their weapons of choice have been reports and maps that have been scrutinized and criticized. Each side has accused the other of providing misleading information to the City Council and the news media. Recently, they even have refused to share information with one another, blocking further dueling reports.

But city officials haven’t indicated any willingness to change their opinion that it’s a wise plan to raise more money by having the Fire Department transport more patients to the hospital, though nobody knows how much it could cost the city in the long run.

Read full story: AMR, Las Vegas Fire still at odds over ambulance services