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Ill. county improves EMS personnel, equipment

Better communication with medical control, new tools put service ‘where they want to be’

By Doug Endres
The Journal-Pilot

HANCOCK COUNTY, Ill. — The Hancock County EMS Board and county EMS service continues to improve equipment and training, while looking forward to meet more state laws and local needs.

County EMS is a mixture of paid and volunteer staff that is the primary server of all parts of the county except Nauvoo and LaHarpe, who each have their own EMS services.

All the services in the county have a seat on the EMS Board. The board is divided into voting members and advisory members. Advisory members come from Nauvoo, LaHarpe, and Hamilton, along with Memorial Hospital. Voting members are the Augusta, Plymouth, West Point and Warsaw fire departments; 9-1-1; and Carthage and Warsaw ambulance services.

Full story: EMS Coordinator: ‘I think we’re heading in the right direction’