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City officials delay approving NY EMS contract as ambulance strike looms

They voted to send the matter to the Finance Committee so that lawmakers can meet with the city Law Department and members of the Emergency Services Board


BUFFALO, N.Y. — For Buffalo residents, this might not be the best time to have a medical emergency.

The Common Council on Tuesday put off renewing a contract with Rural/Metro Medical Services, which handles as many as 34,000 emergency calls a year in the City of Buffalo. Since a two-year extension on the company’s original 5-year contract with the city expired July 1, 2012, the ambulance service has been operating on a month-to-month basis.

However, lawmakers expressed concern at Tuesday’s meeting of the Common Council about the possibility of a strike by emergency medical technicians working for Rural/Metro. Teamsters Local 375 on Friday delivered a 10-day notice to the private company signaling the union’s intent to strike if progress is not made toward negotiating a new wage scale for its members who, the union said, are currently paid below the city’s living wage.

Full story: City lawmakers delay approving contract with Rural/Metro as ambulance strike looms