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Ark. ambulance service plans to hire human resources professional

An audit of the company’s business practices highlighted the need for an HR professional

By EMS1 Staff

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Central EMS officials plan to hire a human resources manager to address deficiencies listed in an independent audit from earlier this year.

One concern raised by the audit said that Central EMS personnel who take on multiple roles within the company lack a “check and balance” to make sure they aren’t abusing their authority. For example, a single person is in charge of keeping records of finances as well as keeping those assets secure.

“The CFO should not have access to cash and also have access to the system that records it or the general ledger,” read the audit.

Additionally, the agency has trouble retaining workers. The Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that, out of a staff of about 113, at least one employee was fired and 11 have resigned this year.

Central EMS will consider hiring a human resources manager to make the ambulance service run more efficiently and improve conditions for its workers by freeing up their time from administrative work.

A new human resources manager should help employees and managers, said Steve Harrison, assistant chief at Central EMS.

“I think it will be a huge benefit,” he said.