EPS411.com uses blog format to share production process techniques with emergency responder educators
PLOVER, WI — Emergency Preparedness Systems LLC, provider of exceptional online training experiences and world-class resources for emergency responders, announced today the launch of its new website, www.eps411.com. The site specifically addresses the needs of educators and training officers to create online education for emergency responders.
“EPS411.com shares our insights and processes for producing rapid e-learning for emergency responders. We have designed and produced hundreds of hours of online education for EMTs, firefighters, telecommunicators, and other emergency responders,” said Greg Friese, MS, NREMT-P, President of Emergency Preparedness Systems LLC.
“EPS411 visitors and blog subscribers can learn about our production process, the tools we use, and other techniques to create online education that is engaging and educational.”
Visitors to the new site can access descriptions to more than one hundred EPS online continuing education courses that are distributed by CentreLearn (www.centrelearn.com) and RapidCE.com (www.rapidce.com). Visitors can also view demonstrations from previous projects and testimonials from satisfied customers.
Greg and other EPS team members regularly write how-to blog posts for designing and producing online education programs. Recent posts have described ideas for using video, PowerPoint design techniques, writing an audio narration script, and finding research references on the web. Use the subscribe dialogue box to receive blog updates.
Emergency Preparedness Systems helps clients create, design, distribute, and facilitate rapid e-learning for emergency responders. EPS subject matter experts have authored and edited more than 200 hours of online education programs. To learn more about EPS or to describe your online education project visit www.eps411.com or call 715-321-1800.