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Vacationing firefighter-paramedic helps injured crash victims

J.J. Duffy saw the crash and several cars on fire; he stopped and treated burn victims until responders arrived

By EMS1 Staff

KINGMAN, Ariz. — A firefighter aided victims of a car crash while he was on vacation in Arizona.

CBS SF Bay Area reported that J.J. Duffy, a firefighter-paramedic with the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department, saw the crash and several cars on fire. He stopped and treated burn victims until responders arrived.

“As we got closer, [I] noticed a man sitting on the ground, definitely burned … He was in shock, had some confusion. The amount of burns he had, I’m talking third degree to his hands, neck, back, face, head. The big thing was his airway,” Duffy said.

Duff said the help he provided wasn’t “anything special.”

“Doesn’t matter if it’s 3 a.m., noon during lunch or, when you’re on vacation with family, you just want to help people.”