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Heart attack survivor thanks EMT, nurses who saved his life after race

“I basically died, but thanks to four amazing people, I’m here today,” he said


EL CENTRO, Calif. — After just one mile of running, Murray Anderson was getting ready to ride 12 miles on a bicycle Nov. 30 when he collapsed and started convulsing. His young daughter let out a loud scream, attracting the attention of everyone in the area.

Four people participating in the race rushed to his side, started cardiopulmonary resuscitation and tried to keep him alive. “I basically died,” Anderson said, tearing up Tuesday evening. “But thanks to four amazing people, I’m here today.” Anderson is still recovering from the heart attack he experienced at the Turkey Duathlon a couple of weeks ago, but he is feeling well enough to have given a special thank you to his “heroes” during El Centro’s City Council meeting.

Anderson and Mayor Cheryl Viegas-Walker presented certificates of appreciation to Christina Santana, Carole Meek, Gonzales Sanchez and his wife, Carmen Sanchez, a nurse with Home Health Care. “Honestly, the reason I want to speak is to recognize those four people,” he said. “They didn’t have to do that. That says something about those four people. In my mind, they’re heroes.”

Full story: Heart attack survivor thanks nurses, EMT who came to his aid during the Turkey Duathlon