HAMILTON, Canada — Hamilton’s firefighters started Movember the traditional way but, in the end, decided a 34-year-old paramedic with ovarian cancer needs the money from their moustaches more.
“We felt it would be a good thing to redirect the proceeds,” said Denis Guité, chair of fundraising for the Hamilton Professional Firefighters Association. “We work shoulder to shoulder.” Firefighters go on about 70 per cent of paramedic calls and some of their stations are located together.
When they discovered Amanda Nederveen has no income while she’s off work getting chemotherapy, they joined Hamilton’s paramedics in raising funds for her. Both groups are having fundraisers on Nov. 30. The paramedics are taking children’s pictures with Santa Claus during the day and the firefighters are having apub night with live bands in the evening.
Full story: Firefighters give men’s health money to woman